
Prompts = Flesh, Bulb, Old

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

The 120-year-old Obasan, one of the first settlers to the Mars Colony likes to share her experience with youngsters. In front of the grade 4 students, the guest lecturer of the science class said:

“As most mature-age women know, the gravity makes havoc on your flesh as you get old. Some parts of your body are not perky as once were. However, thanks to the low-level gravity of Mars, women of the Mars Colony can go braless. That’s why I still have perfect bulb shaped boobs”,

and showed her specimen.

(Prompts are courtesy of Parzival Sattva)



Midori Kawahara

To explore creativity with 100 (more or less) words with 3 prompt words and other inspirations.