New Package

Midori Kawahara
Sep 21, 2021


Prompts = Computer, Repair, Hell

Photo by XPS on Unsplash

As always, Kenny is the last one to be notified when a new computer system needs to be developed. He is the head of IT department of the Mars Colony government. Apparently, Mr. Buzzer the governor had promised to implement a brand-new safety protocol database, and the launch date is next Monday.

“Hell No! It’s impossible to design, develop and test in a week!”, he screamed at Mr. Buzzer

“Kenny, I know you are resourceful. You can repair the old gun registry program a bit here and there, and package it as a safety database. Can’t you?”

(Prompts are courtesy of Parzival Sattva)



Midori Kawahara

To explore creativity with 100 (more or less) words with 3 prompt words and other inspirations.