Coded Message


Prompts = Sly, Rose, Sat

Photo by 𝓴𝓘𝓡𝓚 𝕝𝔸𝕀 on Unsplash

After another PR event, a young woman walked to the officer Jamie and slipped a piece of paper into his hand on the sly, and left.

He opens the paper and reads, ”NO SAT, Rose”

“What?? Is it a terrorist warning?”

Robbie the RoboCob inspects the letter.

“Maybe she wants you to come by with flowers but not on Saturday”

The woman rushes back and snatches the paper.

“Sorry guys! That was shopping list — nonalcoholic rosé wine for weekdays”

And she gives another paper and left.

“Sun, White”

“I think she wants you to come on Sunday with white wine”

(Prompts are courtesy of Parzival Sattva)



Midori Kawahara
Midori Kawahara

Written by Midori Kawahara

To explore creativity with 100 (more or less) words with 3 prompt words and other inspirations.

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